I am Alicia.

I am a Venezuelan graphic designer based in Brussels.

Graphic design is my passion; I make signs, symbols, and graphics that help my clients communicate in an original, attractive, and meaningful way.

I believe in graphic design as a communication tool that can make everyone proud, motivated, and identified with their project.

I like working with people and discovering what they want and need. In that interaction, we get to inspire each other in a synergy that makes us able to build something amazing together.

Letters and symbols are my main interest, so my mission is to create graphics by conceiving a rich typography and witty shapes.
Within time, preparation, and a solid experience, I have broadened my graphic offer that now covers a great bunch of services, including branding and graphic identity, typography and lettering, print and editorial design.

I look forward to hearing from you so we can talk about design, creativity and life. I am all ears!

︎ Check out my instagram
︎ And say hi at: aliciacristo@gmail.com
